Vpak Launch

An innovator in video-in-print establishes a leadership position.

Establishing a market and growing sales by zigging when others zag.

Client: Vpak Media
Website: vpak.com
Date: 2012
Services: Digital Marketing, Website Design and Development


In 2012 video-in-print was fairly new. How does one establish a market with limited resources?

In 2012 there were only a handful of examples of video-in-print. Vpak was faced with a challenge, not of promoting itself but educating the market that this new technology existed. In effect, creating demand and selling into that demand.


Establishing a market from scratch by influencing influencers leads Vpak to strong sales in their first year.

In a space with weak competition in search engines one would attack with an SEO strategy. Not Goodlab. Vpak’s industry was fairly new which meant customers didn’t know to search for what Vpak provides. Ranking on page 1 would be less than effective in a unestablished market. Instead, Goodlab recommended direct outreach to those who influence decision makers. The Agency Partner Program was born.  With an army of agencies recommending Vpak to their clients, Vpak achieved millions in sales in their first year.


$1 million sales through an agency partner program

$1 million in sales driven by a program that represented 50% of Vpak’s leads in their first year. 

Finding 1,000 of agency contacts, educating them about video-in-print, converting them to join the Agency Partner Program, and finally, staying top of mind so that they would recommend Vpak’s video in print solutions to their clients. In one short year Goodlab gained 100’s of partners that drove impressive sales.

``I’ve know David for a long time. Still, I‘m always impressed with the outcomes of programs under his direction. Goodlab has already provided tangible marketing and sales results for my new business.``

Rob Likoff CEO Vpak Media

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